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Left: Shat-chakra-nirupana pictorial representation of the Brahman gate - the lotus of a thousand petals.  It is described as being turned downward, white with a ting of gold. [Source: Theories of the Chakras H. Motoyama, p.179).

The Sahasrāra chakra


Description by various Yoga texts:


Yoga-shikkā Upanishad description - At the top of the head (the Brahman Gate), or at Mahabatin, there are one thousand petals (the Sahasrāra chakra). [Verse 6].

Shat-chakra-nirupana - Above all these, in the vacant space wherein is the Shankhini Nadi, and below the Brahman gate is the Lotus of a thousand petals. This lotus, lustrious and whiter than the full moon, has its head turned downward. It charms.  Its clustered fillaments are tinged with the colour of the young sun.  Its body is luminous with letters beginning with A, and it is the absolute bliss. [verse 40].

Gorakshashtakam description – with the gaze fixed on the tip of the nose (and) meditating on the sky (the sahasrāra), on the absolute and peaceful Shiva, whose face is turned in all directions, one is freed from suffering. [Verse 83].

Also known as: Cosmic Consciousness Center, "I AM" Center, Sahasrara


Location: Top of the head


Associated Color: Violet


Symbol & Element: Light; Sufi Symbol or Lotus


Astrology sign: Not applicable


Physiological influences:  Pineal Gland; Head; Hair; Central Nervous System


Endocrine gland: Pineal Gland


Sense: Knowing & Oneness, Sense of empathy


Consciouse Development Aspect: Relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater eternal reality that lies beyond our finite existence.  In the Shat-chakra-nirupana it is said that this chakra releases a "stream of nectar like essence [verse 43]" and brings complete enlightenment.  It is also inferred that when this Chakra is activated one is released from being born into this karmatic world [verse 45].  It is also believed that supernatural ability is endowed on its user bringing the power of command to control ones own destiny and the ability to leave ones own body.


UMO Perspective: Being the highest of Chakras it connects us with the highest of knowledge and leads to the realisation of our own divinity (the god within).  When activated a feeling of bliss and detachment from the finite world is experienced, and one enters a totally overwhelming state of mind, a state often referred to as cosmic consciousness.


Left: Location of Crown Chakra - slightly back from center and running down towards chin.


Left: C.W. Leadbeater's pictorial description of the Sahasrara Chakra (Sahasrara). [Source: "The Chakras" by C.W.Leadfbeater].